Universal Preschool
Universal Preschool offers voluntary preschool to every child the year before they are eligible for kindergarten.
The Early Childhood Council of Boulder County (ECCBC) serves as Boulder County’s Local Coordinating Organization (LCO). As your LCO we are your local support for families and child care providers through the Colorado Universal Preschool (UPK) process.
Families can choose the right setting for their child to attend Universal Preschool, whether it is in a licensed community-based, school-based or home-based preschool setting. The goal of UPK is to create equal access to quality education before kindergarten and help reduce the overall cost of preschool for families.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Starting in August 2023, Colorado implemented a statewide voluntary Universal Preschool program. The preschool program is for children who will be 4 years old by October 1st for the current school year. Most 4-year-olds will get 15 hours of preschool a week, though some preschool providers offer only 10 hours a week. Children who meet specific eligibility requirements may qualify for 30 hours a week. Not every preschool provider offers a 30 hour a week schedule.
Families can save on average $600 per month, August-May.
Registration is open for both the 2024/2025 and 2025/2026 school years.
Applications are accepted through May 1, 2025, for the 2024/2025 school year.
To be eligible for the program, children must be 4 years old by October 1st the year they are entering preschool.
2025-2026 Registration Timeline:
December 17 - February 5: Registration through upk.Colorado.gov opens for families.
February 10: First family-to-provider matching round runs. All families who completed an application will go through a matching algorithm matching the child to a provider for UPK.
February 24: Families are notified of first round matches. Families must accept or decline by March 3.
March 10: Second matching round runs. All families who completed an application will go through a matching algorithm matching the child to a provider for UPK.
March 24: Families notified of second round matches. Families must accept or decline by March 31
April 1: Direct Enrollment, provider and family engage directly to complete the UPK matching process.
Families can visit UPK.Colorado.gov to complete an application. Be sure to review the Family Handbook for a step-by-step process and frequently asked questions.
Colorado honors a mixed delivery model which allows parents to choose among different program types (i.e., centers, homes, preschool – private and public) and select one that best meets their needs.
To find the right preschool provider for your child, click here .
Children in Colorado can register for up to 15 hours per week of free, high-quality preschool in their year before kindergarten through Colorado’s Universal Preschool Program. If your child is four years old before October 1, of the current school year, they are eligible for UPK.
Families may qualify for more free hours based on several qualifying factors, as described further on page 8 and 9 of the UPK 2025-2026 Family Handbook.
Qualifying Factors are:
Household “low income” <270% Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPL) and one (1) additional qualifying factor.
Foster/Kinship Care
Household “in poverty” <100 FPL
Eligible for Special Education with an IEP
Families will need to provide proof of income with their application if applying for additional hours. You can upload the documents in the application. The system accepts pictures and PDFs. For information on what documents are accepted, please visit the state’s FAQs here.
Not this year. Reach out to your school district (based on where you live) directly for information on preschool services for 3-year-olds. Boulder Valley School District and St. Vrain Valley School District serve Boulder County children.
Licensed child care providers may also offer preschool for 3-year-olds. To search for providers near you visit Colorado Shines.
Preschool aged children with an IEP are eligible for universal preschool and will be placed by their Special Education Administrative Unit (AU) or school district.
Children with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) must be served by the school district in which they live.
Visit the UPK website family page for more information.
Do you have more questions?
The Family Handbook can be found here.
Reach out to us via UPK@eccbouldercounty.org or call 720-548-3981 if you have any additional questions.