Professional Development

ECCBC is dedicated to helping early childhood programs and professionals enhance the quality of care and education for young children.

We recognize and value the critical role of early childhood professionals and teachers in shaping these environments and laying the foundation for lifelong learning.

Support For Child Care Programs:

The Colorado Shines Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS)  is designed to assess, enhance, and showcase the quality of early care and education programs. Our team is dedicated to supporting you at every stage of your quality improvement journey.  

  • Through our Quality Support grant, we offer funding and resources to help programs strengthen their learning environments and access professional development. 

    •  Licensed programs in Boulder County can apply for the Quality Support Grant through their Colorado Shines QRIS Account to partner with ECCBC and receive coaching services and funding.  Applications for our next grant cohort will open July 1, 2025. 

  • Elevate your program with customized and interactive trainings and/or personalized coaching sessions tailored to your program’s unique needs. To learn more click English or Espanol to read coaches bios English or Espanol.

  • Colorado Early Learning and Development Guidelines (ELDG) is a valuable resource for programs, providing clear, research-based guidance to support children's growth from birth through age eight. They help educators and caregivers create high-quality learning experiences, build on children's strengths, and align practices with developmental milestones.

Ongoing and Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities:

  • Expanding Quality in Infant Toddler Care (EQIT):  This 48-hour course provides ECE professionals with the knowledge and skills to enhance their work with infants and toddlers.

    • Upcoming Training Dates 2025: Tuesday evenings August 5- December 16, 2025. Registration opens on PDIS in early June.  Spanish EQIT: Wednesday evenings October 8- February 18.

  • Touchpoints: The How of Child and Family Engagement:  Touchpoints is an evidence-based approach to building strong family-child relationships from before birth to five.  Click here to learn more about the Brazelton Touchpoints Center.

    Upcoming Training Dates 2025

    • March 7, 8:30am-3:30pm, March 13, 5:30pm - 8:30pm, April 11, 8:30am - 3:30pm and April 20, 5:30 pm- 8:30pm

    • Reflective Practice Sessions: May 1, May 8, May 15, May 29 6:30pm-8:000pm

    • Register here

  • Trauma Responsive Care for Infants and Toddlers in Child Care:  A 6-part series to support infants, toddlers, and their families who are experiencing or have experienced trauma. 

    Upcoming Training Dates 2025:

    • June 3-June 24 Tues/Thurs evenings (except 6/19) 

    • Registration opens April 23rd

Additional Offerings:

  • Director’s Training Series: Connect with fellow Boulder County early childhood leaders in a new quarterly series, designed specifically for directors, assistant directors and classroom leaders.  Each session will focus on relevant topics throughout the year to support your growth as a leader.  For more information email Amy Carlough at

  • Stay informed with ECCBC’s latest Professional Development Newsletter

  • Join our Early Childhood Workforce Development and Engagement Committee dedicated to strengthening the ECE workforce.  This group meets monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 1:30pm-3:00pm. 

For more information email Amy Carlough, Director of Provider Services, at