The Early Childhood Council cannot do it’s critical work without the support of individuals and businesses.
The Early Childhood Council of Boulder County is a 501c3 nonprofit in which donations are tax deductible.
If you would like to discuss a donation of any kind, please reach out to Kaycee at
Added Bonus
Your donation can qualify for the Colorado Contribution Tax Credit, where your donation is eligible for up to a 50% state tax credit.
Your donation will allow us to be nimble and responsive to community needs.
Join our Change for Child Care Monthly Giving Program
Join our NEW monthly giving program: Creating Change for Child Care! Your monthly gift can spark lasting and meaningful change in Boulder County’s Early Childhood System. Together, we’ll create:
It’s easy to make a difference—just give your spare change to help us change the future! A small gift of $5, $10, $15, or $20 each month adds up to big impact for our community.
Be a changemaker—join us today and help us build a brighter future for our kids! To donate just click here and select “Monthly Donation” at the top then select or enter the amount you would like to give.