Resources for Parents

Children thrive when parents can actively promote their growth and development.

Parents and family shape a child’s earliest relationships and serve as their first and most influential teachers.  By nurturing and teaching children during their early years, families play an important role in making sure children are ready to learn when they enter school.

Below are some resources that can help parents and guardians. 

Child Development

  • The Colorado Early Learning and Development Guidelines (ELDG) provides examples of what children typically do at certain ages and suggestions for how adults can support their development.   

    • Visit for more information and informational videos for specific age groups from 0-8 years. 

  • Bright by Text shares free parenting tips and trusted resources by text, based on your child's exact age and where you live.  

    • Available in English, Spanish and Arabic.  To register, simply text BRIGHT to 274448, provide a birthday and zip code and you’ll begin to receive messages with relevant information and resources.  You can also enroll in the service using either of these links: English  Spanish  Arabic 

  • ABCD Partnership promotes developmental screenings for young children in Boulder County.  There are resource guides for families seeking additional support in both English and Spanish

  • Kids Connect is an early childhood services program to support children and their care providers by offering resources, screenings referrals and more. Click here for more information. 

  • Early Intervention gives developmental supports and services to families with children age 0-2 years, 11 months.  

  • Child Find supports children who may have a delay in development.  If a young child is not meeting typical milestones, or if you are concerned about the child’s grown or learning contact Child Find

  • Preschool Special Education is for three- or four-year-old children who are eligible for special education by state criteria.  A child is eligible for Preschool Special education if they have a significant delay in one or more areas of development.

Child Physical & Mental Health

Parent Support & Education