Advocate for Child Care

Want to help advocate for more support within the child care sector? Here are the different ways that you can advocate for child care and early education in this community.

01. Support your Early Childhood Council

Early Childhood Councils exist across the state to help support and elevate local early childhood systems. Councils work in tandem with child care providers, families and community members to activate change that enables ALL youth to thrive. Donate here.

02. Ask your Elected Officials to Prioritize Child Care

All government bodies have the power to make child care a priority in their communities. Studies show that communities with strategic and well-coordinated investments in childcare have greater outcomes in infant, toddler and preschool-aged overall health and academic readiness.

Tell your local and state elected officials that child care must be a higher priority for the wellbeing of all of our future. Need help or have questions? Email Kaycee at

03. Support your Local Child Care Providers

All child care providers could benefit from more community support. Whether you would like to organize a diaper or food drive, give a financial donation, or volunteer, child care providers are often the least resourced critical resource we have in our community. To find a list of providers in Boulder County, click here.